Grey Goo is a doomsday scenario related to self-replicating machines consuming everything on earth that has become a metaphor du jour being used to illustrate such things as the availability of technology causing pervasive mediocrity in culture and the arts. It should be known that in most cases this analogy is used by a massive tooly douchehole.
My take on it? If there is going to be a cultural and artistic apocalypse I don't want a front row seat. I want to be one of the four horsemen so I've kicked it into high gear creating the grey-iest, goo-iest music with the resources I have and in the greatest quantities I could.
And by that I mean I made two tracks this week. After all I do have a part-time job and I am a stay at home dad and I have a few other commitments that cut into my busy schedule of bringing the music world to it's knees.
But I digress.
This is a little self-replicating noise I made using Sony Acid 7 and FL 10. This track also includes a severe overuse of the Hardcore plugin. That would be the goo so to speak as I ran just about everything through it at some point. In some cases I ran sounds through it twice.
Grey Goo by Remedial M-Theory
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