Friday, May 27, 2011

The Blur

It might have been that I was sleep deprived or that I'd skipped breakfast. Maybe it was that the gas was cranked up too high or an odd combination of any or all of those things but yesterday at the dentist I was flat out blazed on the nitrous.

I remember thinking that the ceiling was boring. This was disappointing. Later I could vividly make out little imperfections and discolorations in the ceiling tiles. Then it was fascinating. Later still I decided that of all the rooms at this dentist office where I have stared at the ceiling this was my least favorite and I should ask not to be put in this room again.

I had a vision of myself as a rocking horse. I remember thinking that there was a lot of gray in the arm hairs of the dentist. There were also a few moments where I could empathize with those big cats on nature shows that have been anesthetized and have those big glassy eyes, mouth hanging open, drooling while the vets poke and prod...

The rest of the time was split between complete blur and what I can only describe as hyper clarity. I did have one thought that was music related... my dentist needs entrance music. I started crafting in my brain on the drive, went right to work when I got home. I might make a few changes in the next day or two as I tend to do.

Beat DT-005 ver 5 by Remedial M-Theory

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