Uh... I came here cause I heard of you on TESD but I can't find their theme song on your site. What is up with that?
You can find my album with music made for TESD right here.
What's with the name?
Remedial M-Theory came to me while reading a Stephen Hawking book about the universe that had been written specifically for people like me. To be perfectly honest, as much as I dig that book, there are parts that had me wishing for an even more basic explanation of nearly everything he was talking about.
It's true. I read the dumbed down book on M-Theory and could have used something even more simple. Shouldn't surprise anyone, I was in a remedial physics class in high school...
And yes, I do wish that wasn't true. It was a physics class without any math. Awesome right? My shame really does know no bounds. And if it did I certainly couldn't use any kind of "equations" to illustrate it mathematically so relax... there will be no math on this website.
And while we're at it, what kind of school offers remedial physics? Who does that?
But the name is also an homage to my pop who spent 35 years teaching music theory and composition at the local University. He's a genius and the most fantastic composer I know. When we start talking about music we're working on, I always feel like I should be in the remedial music theory class.
But don't think for a second that any of this will keep me from torturing your eardrums every chance I get.
Who the hell are you?
I'm primarily a stay at home dad and husband who happens to be in a band with his computer. What free time I have is generally spent lining up 1's and 0's to make music. Because my life is clearly not exciting enough I also put in a few graveyard shifts each week at a large soulless retailer to help make ends meet.
Since 2004 I've been pumping out all sorts of tracks ranging from standard electronic fare to ditty's designed for the sole purpose of entertaining my small group of friends and fans... The music is full of in-jokes and a dry twisted sense of humor but can manage a wicked dark streak from time to time.
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear da lamentation of da women.
Also I have learned it's best to edit your web page before you take your xanex.